Saturday, April 19, 2014

Edinburgh-Day 2

Hi All,

Our busy day began at Holyrood Palace, official residence of the Queen when she is in the area. The courtyard is beautiful.

The interior was magnificent but photos were not allowed so you will have to take our word for it ;-).

The abbey ruins were pretty remarkable as well.

We next toured the parliament building, very modern and looking a bit out of place. Once again, no photos allowed. Britain devolved domestic legislative power to Scotland in the late 90's so there has not been a local parliament since union in 1707! In September, Scotland will hold a referendum on full independence.

After lunch we drove to the Scottish Seabird Center about 30 miles east. We boarded this boat for the trip to two offshore islands.

It was cold and windy on the ocean with a 15-20 mph wind blowing in from the North Sea so we were bundled up.
First stop was Craigleith Island. We saw gray seals and many species of seabirds including guillimot, shag, cormorant, eider, kittiwake . . .

and of course the comical Atlantic Puffin.
No, Carl did not take this picture with his phone!

The boat then powered upwind to Bass Rock with much spray and pitching. Occupied since the 5th century by soldiers, prisoners and most recently the lighthouse keeper, the island now is home to 150,000 Northern Gannets. This is the largest colony in the world.

The sky was full of birds and some flew close enough for a photo.

The trip back to the harbor was downwind with a large following sea. Here an overtaking wave almost hides Bass Rock from view.

Back on shore, Elliot and his bronze friend look towards Bass Rock.

Returning to Edinburgh we enjoyed dinner at the Canon Gait Pub.
Another great day.


Sandy & Carl 
Living & Traveling in our Motorhome
Volunteering across America

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