We have been keeping very busy with refuge programs, Weeds & Seeds walks, Audubon and Shell Club meetings. We have also had visitors with whom we work in Grand Teton. It has been fun showing Chris Clapp, Jean Regan and husband Peter the sights of Sanibel.
After dancing and creating a shadow to fool the little fish, this reddish egret caught some lunch.
One morning Carl noticed this interesting beetle on our picnic table. Turns out it is an invasive citrus borer.
This gator swam pretty close
but not as close as this American Crocodile in a friends back yard.
Speaking of animals close to people, this cattle egret spent a lot of time on this car in the refuge parking lot. He was still there even after the red car departed!
Many white pelicans sleep on the sand bar. We wonder if these two are "friends ".
Near the end of the refuge wildlife drive, we spotted a pair of manatee.
Closer to home we got this photo of a 12" wide cat in a 7" wide box. Ginger loves to snuggle into tight spaces.
Sandy & Carl
Living & Traveling in our Motorhome
Volunteering across America