Saturday, June 29, 2024

Have You Fallen?

Hi All,

At the risk of sounding like a shill for Apple, I want to describe what happened to me Thursday.

As I walked alone along the hallway between the elevator and our condo, I suddenly felt woosy. My next recollection was sitting on the concrete floor in a puddle of blood. There was so much blood, I thought it was a bad dream. 

After a few minutes I shakily walked to our condo. Soon there was a pounding on the door and in came three Dunedin firefighters followed quickly by the ambulance medics.

Who called you? I said bewildered.

"Your watch" was their reply!

My Apple Watch had detected my fall and asked me if I needed help. Since I was still unconscious and  didn't reply, the watch called 911, said I was unresponsive after a fall detection and gave them my location .

This was not a life threatening situation but it might have been. Food for thought next time you are shopping for a watch/smartphone.



Oh, I'm OK. I passed out due to dehydration and the resulting scalp laceration was closed with four staples. After twenty four hours of hospital observation I am home, aching but otherwise OK

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Tampa Bay Automotive Museum

Hi All,

Another neat area museum. This one is a private collection of almost 100 vehicles focused on automotive technical innovation. All vehicles except toe 1770 Fardier de Cugnot are original and fully operational.

This is a faithful reproduction of the first ever self propelled vehicle. It is steam powered with the boiler up front.

Many of the cars were European with exotic hood ornaments.

In case you wondered why it is called a Running "Board", now you know.

Sandy & Carl

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Potpourri Again

Hi All,

Things are good here. It was 42 degrees this morning but no complaints.

Here's an assortment of signs and images for your enjoyment.

Is your dog anxious? Perhaps an Anti-Anxiety Bandana will help.

Sounds like good advice but not worth $28!

Spotted this pattern of colorful lights in a Safety Harbor restaurant.

We bought this glass jellyfish in Boothbay Harbor many years ago. We were delighted when it was unpacked.

Last week we saw a similar item in a store but with a lighted base. We think the $12 we spent on Amazon was a great investment.
Sandy & Carl

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Volunteering at Caladesi Island

Hi All,

We have a new volunteer job at Honeymoon Island State Park. Caladesi is a 15 minute boat ride from Honeymoon. We take the crew boat over at 8 AM.

Since the first visitor ferry isn't until 10, we can walk the beach and collect shells. Last year, Caladesi was voted 4th best beach in US! At 8:30 AM, we have the whole beach to ourselves.

Not counting the occasional sanderling.

Today was cold and windy but the shelling was excellent (see Sandy's bag).

We set up a table with exhibits of shells and skulls of Caladesi wildlife adjacent to the ferry dock.

Every half hour the ferry brings us visitors who stop to talk to us about our displays.

We also have activities for kids. These three are triplets.

In late afternoon we pack up the displays and take the ferry back to Honeymoon.

The first two Sundays we talked to 62 and 71 people. Today was cold and windy so we only spoke to 18 hardy souls.
It is a great volunteer gig even though we didn't see any bears.

Sandy & Carl

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Imagine Museum

Hi All,

Sandy was checking the museum passes available at our library when she found passes for the Imagine Creative Glass Museum.

What an awesome surprise. Hundreds of spectacular glass creations. If you are anywhere near Tampa, check this place out.

Sandy & Carl

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Our Travel Emails

Hi All,

Several friends have encouraged us to write a book about our travels and volunteering experiences or at least summarize our emails. We'll, we just checked and found 1,101 emails in our blog at:

Enjoy but please do not print them out for the sake of the trees🙀

Sandy & Carl