Saturday, June 29, 2024

Have You Fallen?

Hi All,

At the risk of sounding like a shill for Apple, I want to describe what happened to me Thursday.

As I walked alone along the hallway between the elevator and our condo, I suddenly felt woosy. My next recollection was sitting on the concrete floor in a puddle of blood. There was so much blood, I thought it was a bad dream. 

After a few minutes I shakily walked to our condo. Soon there was a pounding on the door and in came three Dunedin firefighters followed quickly by the ambulance medics.

Who called you? I said bewildered.

"Your watch" was their reply!

My Apple Watch had detected my fall and asked me if I needed help. Since I was still unconscious and  didn't reply, the watch called 911, said I was unresponsive after a fall detection and gave them my location .

This was not a life threatening situation but it might have been. Food for thought next time you are shopping for a watch/smartphone.



Oh, I'm OK. I passed out due to dehydration and the resulting scalp laceration was closed with four staples. After twenty four hours of hospital observation I am home, aching but otherwise OK

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