Hi All,
Jan & Phyl apparently enjoy our emails so much that they forward them to about 25 of their friends and family. We would occasionally get replies from some of these people. One person in particular signed her emails "ME". We soon learned that ME was Phyllis' 95 year old aunt! We began sending our emails directly to Mary Ellen and her replies included enthusiasm, encouragement and reminiscences of her travels with her husband Harvey. It was always a joy to get ME's emails so we made plans to visit her, about 90 miles south of Jan & Phyl. What an incredible lady; living alone at 95, drives, quite mobile and sharp as a tack. We had a wonderful visit.
Her daughter Alice came by and took all of us on a tour of Audubon, IA. We saw the farms where ME, Phyllis and other family members grew up. We saw the high school where ME's great grandson will graduate tomorrow. Did we mention ME has 17 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren!
Back at the house, ME showed us how she makes greeting cards on her computer using Greeting Card Maker.
We went out to dinner and when we brought ME back home we were prepared to leave, not wanting to wear her out. We need not have worried, ME was going strong and we spent more time chatting and she taught us a new card game, Quiddler.
When we finally departed it was like we had a new family member - lucky us😃.
Sandy & Carl
Sandy & Carl
Living & Traveling in our Motorhome
Volunteering across America
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