Saturday, April 29, 2017

Eisenhower Center

Hi All,

We spent our "Snow Day" exploring the Eisenhower Center in nearby Abilene, KS. The site includes the museum, library and family home.

Ike was born in Denison, TX but lived in this house from age 4 until he left to attend West Point.

The birth page of the family bible records Dwight's birth in TX at the bottom.

This 1902 family portrait shows 12 year old Dwight on left.

The house is small, especially for a family of eight. This is the formal "front parlor". The boys needed permission to enter.

A family reunion in the 20's showed Major Eisenhower seated on the steps.

This statue on the grounds honors Eisenhower's military roles as Commander of US then Combined Allied Forces.

The museum had extensive exhibits describing his early years, a section about Mamie, WW2 and his presidency including early civil rights challenges and the creation of NASA. A remarkable record for a humble, principled and dedicated man.
The weather forecast is not much better. Western Kansas is expecting snow and high winds (25-35 mph). If it is not too bad here we will head west in the morning, prepared to get off the road if (when) it gets bad. We don't drive in snow or high cross winds and there are lots of campgrounds along I-70.

Good news from Gros Ventre Campground in Grand Teton. The manager, Roger Hooey reported that it is mostly bare ground.


Sandy & Carl 
Living & Traveling in our Motorhome
Volunteering across America

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